Websense Hosted Email Security

Websense Hosted Email Security

An ninh được lưu trữ trên mạng, không phải triển khai hoặc duy trì bất cứ điều gì trên trang web. Vì không có phần cứng hoặc phần mềm nên bạn giảm đáng kể chi phí kinh doanh liên quan đến cài đặt, khắc phục sự cố và áp dụng các bản vá hoặc nâng cấp. Loại bỏ các rủi ro và sự không chắc chắn trong việc quản lý một giải pháp bảo mật 
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  • Security is hosted off your network; you don't have to deploy or maintain anything on-site.
  • Because there is no hardware or software, you significantly reduce business costs associated with installation, troubleshooting, and applying patches or upgrades.
  • Hosted security eliminates the risks and uncertainty of managing a security solution yourself.
  • Predictable service costs stay the same-there are no surprise maintenance fees or upgrade requirements.
  • Spam and viruses are blocked before they reach your network, dramatically reducing email bandwidth and storage requirements.
  • Built-in redundancy, failover, and business continuity ensure that your email always stays up and running, even if your network temporarily goes down.
  • As your organization grows, Hosted Email Security has the capacity to support your business. No matter how large you grow, the Websense Hosted Security infrastructure will support your business-with no unexpected costs.
  • Email security is guaranteed through industry-leading SLAs, including blocking all known viruses and nearly 100% of all spam.

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