Websense Email Security

Websense Email Security

Websense Email Security ngăn chặn thông tin độc hại, không phù hợp hoặc thông tin bí mật từ khi vào hay rời khỏi một tổ chức bằng cách kiểm tra từng lớp của một email, bao gồm tệp đính kèm và các hình ảnh được nhúng. Hỗ trợ mã hoá tích hợp bảo vệ thông tin kinh doanh và khách hàng nhạy cảm. Kết nối toàn diện bảo vệ cơ sở hạ tầng email chống lại các cuộc tấn công thu thập thông tin và tấn công từ chối dịch vụ.
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-         Websense Threat Expertise

-         Websense's Global Threat Experts monitor and analyze emerging Internet threats from Web, email, spyware, and other malicious applications around-the-clock to deliver up-to-date "cross-pollination" protection against today's blended threats.

-         Secure Content Management

-         Websense Email Security prevents malicious, inappropriate, or confidential information from entering or leaving an organization by examining every layer of an email, including zipped file attachments and embedded images. Integrated encryption support protects your sensitive business and customer information.

-         Email Connection Management

-         Comprehensive connection management protects email infrastructure against directory harvest and denial of service attacks. Connection level reporting allows administrators to rapidly identify specific external threats and take effective countermeasures.

-         Outbound Compliance and Data Loss Protection Compliance Dictionaries

-         Out-of-the box HIPAA, GLBA, PCI, and State Data Privacy rules make it easy to converge SMTP email compliance requirements with the same technology you trust to block email threats.

-         Deep Content Inspection

-         Websense Email Security identifies content from hundreds of attachment file types-up to 25 layers deep-regardless of whether the content is embedded or compressed.

-         Unique Outbound End-User Controls

-         Only Websense provides configurable end-user email management for both inbound and outbound messages, which provides a critical second-check for data as it leaves your network.

-         Visibility Through Reporting

-         Report Central provides full visibility into email usage and threats. Interactive drill-down reports, automatic report scheduling and distribution, and delegated access enable technical and business personnel alike to take control of email usage.

-         Flexible Policy Setting

-         Pre-defined rules, together with Websense's innovative easy-to-use, drag-and-drop rules engine, deliver granular and flexible policy enforcement. 150+ pre-defined dictionaries in 10 languages are complemented by flexible content filtering customized to your own organization.

-         Comprehensive Message Management

-         Advanced message administration features such as multi-criteria message search and history reporting save administrators valuable time. Personal Email Manager gives end-users the ability to view or release both inbound and outbound isolated messages to ensure uninterrupted business productivity.

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