Web Security Suite

Web Security Suite

Websense Web Security Suite xác định các mối đe dọa an ninh, như các trang web độc hại, các giao thức, các ứng dụng và lưu lượng HTTP. chặn truy cập tại các điểm nguy cơ tiềm ẩn cổng internet. Websense Web Security Suite cũng cảnh báo các quản trị viên về lưu lượng xâu qua email trong mạng.
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-         New Web Reputation. The Websense ThreatSeeker Network leverages years of experience to provide content-aware web reputation intelligence allowing customers to easily extend their protection by managing suspicious websites.

-         Blocks known threats before they reach the endpoint and alerts on potential network threats-Websense Web Security Suite identifies security threats, such as malicious websites, protocols, applications, and HTTP traffic (on Port 80 and all other ports) and blocks their access at the internet gateway. Websense Web Security Suite also alerts administrators on email-borne worm traffic in the network.

-         Proactively discovers web security threats-Websense ThreatSeeker Network scans over 595 million websites per week, searching for threats. Real-time security updates are available within minutes of the discovery of a new high-risk threat with no administrative intervention required.

-         Lowers the risk of intellectual property theft-Websense Web Security Suite lowers the risk of intellectual property theft and malicious attacks through instant messaging (IM), IM attachments, and protocols, such as peer-to-peer, email, file transfer, and others.

-         Swiftly alerts when websites or brands are under attack and reports web server vulnerabilities-Websense Web Security Suite includes the three Websense Web Protection Services which help organizations protect their websites, brands, and web servers. Websense mines the organizations’ websites and watches their brands and associated URLs as part of its daily activities. If a site is infected with MMC or the name and URL being used in phishing, fraudulent, or other malicious attacks, Websense notifies the organization with attack details so immediate action can be taken. Websense also performs regular web server scans for a “hacker’s-eye view” of server vulnerabilities and potential threats. Reports of risk levels and recommended actions are provided through a web-based portal, allowing organizations to take corrective action.

-         Provides industry-leading web filtering capabilities-Websense Web Security Suite includes the industry’s leading web filtering technology. This technology, the most comprehensive and accurate on the market, allows organizations to manage productivity, reduce their risk of legal liability, and improve bandwidth use.

-         Optimizes network bandwidth-Websense Web Security Suite enables organizations to optimize their network bandwidth by prioritizing and managing traffic in real-time based on pre-set thresholds and without requiring administrative intervention.

-         Includes flexible reporting tools-Websense Web Security Suite provides the most advanced capabilities for identifying organizational security, productivity, legal liability, and network bandwidth consumption risks.

-         Reduces the burden on IT-Websense Web Security Suite allows organizations to distribute administrative tasks across departments, groups, or locations. Individual administrators can then customize policies to meet their area’s needs and can assume responsibility for their users.

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